Tucker Carlson Signed $400M Deal with ABC to Replace Jimmy Kimmel Show?

The Facebook page SpaceX Fanclub, on July 16, 2024, published a meme claiming, “ABC Signs A $400 Million Deal With Tucker Carlson For A Late-Night Show,” which was apparently set to replace late-night talk show “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”

(SpaceX Fanclub/Facebook)

The post went viral, as of this writing, receiving 17,000 comments, with many commenters replying to SpaceX Fanclub’s image, apparently either believing the claim or hoping it was authentic.

“Excellent, he was awesome at republican convention!!!” one user commented, while another responded, “That would be smart of ABC, so I don’t have much hope of this being true. These leftist fascist organizations would can never handle true journalism and would want to censor Tucker and he’s better off in his own, spreading truth or at least provoking thought and asking better questions to those of us who will not kowtow to the deceiving controlling left.”

Not everyone believed the news was real. For instance, one commenter wrote, “I would be TOTALLY SURPRISED if this is TRUE AT ALL REMEMBER ABC ,NBC,CBS, CNN, MSNBC , are ALL JUST ARMS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY and the TRUTH IS NOT IN THEM !”

The post linked to a July 16, 2024, esspots.com article claiming ABC had reportedly signed such a deal with Carlson:

Breaking: ABC Signs A $400 Million Deal With Tucker Carlson For A Late-Night Show, “Going to Replace Jimmy Kimmel Show”

In an unexpected move that has left media enthusiasts and political pundits buzzing, ABC has reportedly signed a $400 million deal with Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News host, to headline a new late-night show. This new program is set to replace “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” which has been a fixture of ABC’s late-night lineup for nearly 20 years. The decision marks a significant shift in the network’s programming strategy and has sparked a wide range of reactions across the political and entertainment landscapes.

Tucker Carlson, well-known for his fiery conservative commentary and prime-time presence on Fox News, is now making a surprising transition to ABC. This move is particularly striking given ABC’s traditionally centrist reputation. The network’s decision to bring Carlson into their late-night slot reflects a broader trend in television where networks are taking bold steps to attract diverse audiences and boost sagging ratings.

The timing of this announcement coincides with a period of significant change in the late-night television scene. Traditional late-night shows are struggling with declining viewership as more audiences turn to streaming platforms and online content. By bringing in Carlson, ABC appears to be banking on his ability to draw a new demographic of viewers who feel underserved by the current late-night offerings.

Tucker Carlson has built a loyal following through his uncompromising conservative views and sharp political analysis. His show on Fox News, “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” consistently ranked as one of the highest-rated cable news programs, pulling in millions of viewers each night. Carlson’s knack for tapping into the concerns and sentiments of a significant portion of the American populace has made him a powerful media figure.

Claim – ABC signed a $400 million deal with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson to replace Jimmy Kimmel in a late-night talk show.

However, the claim was not real and came from sources that are satirical in nature. The Facebook post from Space X Fanclub carried a “Rated Satire” label stamped in the top-left corner of the meme, while the account describes itself thusly: “We post SATIRE, nothing on this page is real.”

In addition, its affiliated website, Esspots, described itself as specializing in satire.

As Per Esspots’ “Disclaimer” page:

Welcome to Esspots.com, a website that specializes in satire, parody, and humor. Before you proceed to read our content, we would like to emphasize that nothing on this website is real. All of the articles, stories, and commentary found on Esspots.com are entirely fictitious and created for the purpose of entertainment only.

We understand that satire can sometimes be mistaken for actual news or events, but we want to make it clear that we do not publish factual or accurate information. We do not intend to deceive or mislead our readers in any way, and all of our content should be taken with a grain of salt.

To add, neither Carlson nor ABC had released a statement regarding the claim. Carlson hosted his nightly titular political talk show on Fox News from 2016 until 2023, when he was reportedly dismissed by then-chairman of Fox Corporation, Rupert Murdoch.

Carlson gave a speech at the Republican National Convention on July 18, 2024.

Conclusion: We labeled Satire.


James Woods Left Hollywood to Join Mel Gibson’s ‘Anti-Woke’ Production Studio ?

On July 8, 2024, the Facebook page “SpaceX Fanclub” posted a meme claiming actor James Wood had quit Hollywood to join fellow actor Mel Gibson’s new “anti-woke” production studio. The post linked to a May 2024 article on Esspots.com, its affiliated website.

(Facebook user “SpaceX Fanclub”)

The article began:

In a move that has reverberated throughout the entertainment industry, veteran actor James Woods has officially left Hollywood to join Mel Gibson’s newly established non-woke film studio. This partnership marks a significant shift for Woods, who has long been a polarizing figure due to his outspoken conservative beliefs in a predominantly liberal industry.

James Woods, known for his sharp intelligence and often controversial political stances, has increasingly felt alienated by the mainstream Hollywood culture, which he perceives as overly politically correct and restrictive. Over the years, Woods’ career has been marked by a series of confrontations and disagreements with other figures in the industry, leading to a gradual reduction in his appearances in mainstream films.

His decision to join Mel Gibson’s studio is not just a career move but a statement. Gibson, who has faced his own share of controversy in Hollywood, announced the creation of this new studio last year, promising a space for creative freedom devoid of what he calls the “censorship” of modern woke culture. The studio aims to produce films that embrace traditional storytelling without succumbing to contemporary political pressures.

Claim – Actor James Woods left Hollywood to join Mel Gibson’s new “anti-woke” production studio.

However, the claim was not real and came from sources that were satirical in nature. The Facebook post also came with a “satire” label, while its affiliated website, Esspots, described itself as specializing in satire.

As per Esspots’ “Disclaimer” page:

Before you proceed to read our content, we would like to emphasize that nothing on this website is real. All of the articles, stories, and commentary found on Esspots.com are entirely fictitious and created for the purpose of entertainment only.

We understand that satire can sometimes be mistaken for actual news or events, but we want to make it clear that we do not publish factual or accurate information. We do not intend to deceive or mislead our readers in any way, and all of our content should be taken with a grain of salt.

Furthermore, SpaceX Fanclub, the Facebook account that authored the viral post, had a similar disclaimer on its page: “We post SATIRE, nothing on this page is real.”

Conclusion: We labeled Satire.



Dilemma After Middle Age

A certain person recently delivered a speech at a university alumni association on the topic of “Dilemma after middle age”.

The audience, consisting of about 700 people, couldn’t help but burst into laughter throughout the speech.


Here is the full text:


Dear classmates,


There is a song that sings “Tomorrow will be better” to give people confidence and encouragement.


In real life, however, we can’t be certain if tomorrow will truly be better. What we can be sure of is that tomorrow, we will be older.


As the years pass, we come to understand the harshness of time.

At a certain age, we have to admit the power of gravity.

Our organs are still there, but they seem to be drooping.


As the saying goes, “Everything is drooping, only blood pressure is high.”


Our bodies undergo significant changes after reaching middle age.

The once guitar-shaped figure now resembles a pear.

We fall asleep when sitting and struggle to sleep when lying down. We can’t remember what we want to remember and can’t forget what we want to forget.

To make matters worse, we shed no tears when we cry and have to wipe away tears when we laugh.


And let’s not forget the “white hair that can never be combed out, growing again with the spring breeze” on our heads. Men’s hairstyles, as described by the novelist Mo Yan, are like “the local supporting the central,” with hair combed from both sides to the middle in an attempt to cover the sparse hair in the middle.


Our memory also gradually declines. We find ourselves walking from one room to another, only to forget why we came in the first place.


We repeat ourselves, forgetting what we just said. There was even an old man who once laughed halfway and forgot why he was laughing.


While young couples grow old together, what should middle-aged couples do?


It’s not easy to change our bad habits. Life is like “saving the whole and paying the little,” gradually passing away.


The young individuals who were once full of vigor and vitality have now become fragile old men in the blink of an eye.


Some people even mock the elderly, claiming that they are experiencing “knowledge degeneration, organ aging, and rigid thinking, waiting for cremation.”


But it is up to us to cultivate our minds. As someone said – “Age does not matter as long as the matter does not age.”


We may grow old, but our hearts should remain youthful.


Wrinkles may appear on our faces, but they should not reflect the state of our hearts.


Consider this: some people don’t have the privilege to grow old; they pass away at a young age.


We should also adjust our attitude towards life.


In the past, we traded our health for wealth, but now we must trade our wealth for health.


Life is said to consist of three stages:

(1) Young people strive for a good education,

(2) Success in middle age relies on experience, and

(3) As we grow older, we must pay attention to our medical history.


In any case, I wish all my dear friends good health, happiness, a heart as mischievous as a child, and a smile on their faces.


Let’s ask for another 40 years from God, shall we?


Lastly, let’s remember the four most fashionable truths of 2024:

  1. Don’t show off your money; it’s as valuable as paper in a hospital.
  2. Don’t show off your work; if you stumble, countless others will do better than you.
  3. Don’t show off your house; once you’re gone, it becomes someone else’s nest.
  4. Don’t show off your car; when you’re no longer around, the car keys will be in someone else’s hands.


The only thing worth showing off is your health !


When others are gone, you can still bask in the sun, sip tea, and enjoy a healthy life.


Please take good care of yourselves because replacement parts are hard to come by and extremely expensive! They’re not in stock yet…


This speech is filled with truth and humor. It brings tears to our eyes and laughter to our hearts.

It’s truly a rare and wonderful piece  !