Archive for September, 2023

Folly of Human Desire

Our joint family home housed 14 of us from age 5 to 95 years.   Today I watch both the houses abandoned and nature taking over the garden my mother used to tend for hours every day. The Jamun, the Drumstick a few Ashok, Neem and Peepal have survived but all beauty is both transient […]

Is Bill Gates Buying Hundreds of Burned-Up Lots in Maui for ‘Pennies on the Dollar’

An online article authentically reported that Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates was buying hundreds of burned-out lots destroyed in the August 2023 Maui wildfires for “pennies on the dollar.” The Dunning-Kruger Times website on Sept. 6, 2023, published an article that said Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates was spending “pennies on the dollar” to buy up lots […]