Dilemma After Middle Age

A certain person recently delivered a speech at a university alumni association on the topic of “Dilemma after middle age”. The audience, consisting of about 700 people, couldn’t help but burst into laughter throughout the speech.   Here is the full text:   Dear classmates,   There is a song that sings “Tomorrow will be […]

YOUNG & OLD : Truth & Reality of Life

The reality and truth of LIFE ! When I was YOUNG, I found it DIFFICULT to WAKE UP. When I am OLD, I find it DIFFICULT to SLEEP. When I was YOUNG, I was WORRIED about MY PIMPLES. When I am OLD, I am WORRIED about MY WRINKLES. When I was YOUNG, I was WAITING […]

Comfortable Attitude At Old Age

#CommissionsEarned I asked one of my friends who has crossed 60 & is heading to 70.   What sort of change he is feeling in him?   He sent me the following very interesting lines, which I would like to share with you all…..   After loving my parents, my siblings, my spouse, my children, […]