The Incredibles Pictures
The Incredibles is a 2004 computer-animated superhero film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It was written and directed by Brad Bird, a former director and executive consultant of The Simpsons. It stars an ensemble cast including Holy Hunter, Craig T. Nelson, Sarah Vowell, Spencer Fox, Jason Lee, Samuel L. Jackson and Elizabeth Pena.
The film stars the Parr family, who each have superpowers. After the government orders superheroes to live a normal life, Bob Parr (Craig T Nelson), who formerly went under the superhero alias “Mr. Incredible ” secretly relives his days as a superhero, behind his family’s back. At the same time, his kids come to terms with their powers while his wife becomes suspicious of his activities.
The Incredibles is the sixth feature film from Pixar. It was presented by Disney and released by Buena Vista Distribution in North America on November 5, 2004, and in the United Kingdom and the Republic Of Ireland on November 26 of the same year. It is the first full-length Pixar film to feature an entirely human cast of characters.